Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Who's at Fault?

Hawaii is a beautiful place, with a large variety of natural attractions that appeal visitors to them. But, because those locations leave a lot up to the natural world and chance, there's a risk that they will leave sightseers heavily injured, or sometimes even dead. When disaster strikes, who is there to blame? The state of Hawaii or the tourist themselves?  It depends a lot on how the case happened, but in the most part, the tourists are to blame because they were preforming reckless activities around the area or didn't abide by the caution signs.

In once case, a 44 year old man named David Potts from San Anselmo, California, was in fact being careless around the Nakalele Point blowhole, and caused himself to get struck by a wave and go missing. Witnesses reported that Potts was "dancing" around the blowhole, an event that he shouldn't have done due to his safety, yet he still pursued. There is a sign in the parking lot that says "Blowhole: Park and walk at your own risk", but even yet people still argue that the signage isn't enough. Yet, the state noted that neither the Maui Visitor Bureau nor Maui County had directly labeled the blowhole as an attraction. The blowhole could also be privately owned land, hence the lack of signs.

The case of 18 year old Daniel Dick is another one that shows reckless behavior. He was apparently straddling the blowhole according to witnesses. Due to this, he was lifted three to five feet in the air by the water rising up, and then dropped on his head onto a rocky area. This probably wouldn't have happened to him if he had been cautious and kept his respectful distance away from the blowhole, and not tried to get as close to it as he could.

So, who's at fault isn't really a question that you can't determine right away. You would need to take in part the signage put up by the state that makes it known visitors are at their own risk, and what you hear from reliable witnesses if the person who was injured or killed was doing things to provoke it. It all depends on the case.

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